Consensio Health
When you run a business in a niche market, you need a website to convey the depth of your capabilities. Which is precisely why Consensio Health came to iNET Web.

The entire Consensio Health website is designed for easy use by busy physicians. The responsive design by iNET lets site users access the information they need on any device.

Consensio Health offers a very niche service. iNET SEO helps them reach the many physicians who would benefit from their work.

Consensio Health is a physician owned company. iNET copywriters simplify medical terminology for new clients who may lack health or financial backgrounds.

Consensio has worked with healthcare facilities all over the state. Many of those satisfied physicians provided video testimonials recorded by iNET videographers.

In order to streamline operations, the Consensio website needed custom programming from iNET.

The entire Consensio Health website is designed for easy use by busy physicians. The responsive design by iNET lets site users access the information they need on any device.
Consensio Health offers a very niche service. iNET SEO helps them reach the many physicians who would benefit from their work.
Consensio Health is a physician owned company. iNET copywriters simplify medical terminology for new clients who may lack health or financial backgrounds.
Consensio has worked with healthcare facilities all over the state. Many of those satisfied physicians provided video testimonials recorded by iNET videographers.
Custom Programming
In order to streamline operations, the Consensio website needed custom programming from iNET.
Consensio Health
Consensio Health is a physician-owned company dedicated to supporting the business and practice management needs of independent ER and urgent care physician groups across the country. In this highly specialized field, it’s critical to have a website that gets you found online by prospective clients.
Website Dilemma
Consensio came to iNET-Web for our SEO expertise. Specifically, they wanted to win in online searches for full revenue cycle management, a service that helps physicians streamline operations and maximize profitability.
Technology Implemented
Search engine optimization – Layout and Graphic Design – Logo Design – Programming – Creative Genius Branding & Copywriting – Video Production – Content Management System – HTML –CSS – jQuery
No matter how technical or dry the subject, iNET’s search engine optimization pros will catapult it to the top of search engine results pages. iNET designed and built a professional looking website that delves deep into the services offered by Consensio Health, while also providing news of interest to independent medical groups and useful tips for managing their businesses. Result: Consensio Health is at the top of search engine results pages for the services they offer.