Cap Connection

High Resolution product image

Marketing for Auto Parts Dealer and Repair Shop

Cap Connection initially reached out to iNET in 2003 to update their website. In 2005, we designed their first creative genius inspired website. For the time, the website was above and beyond the competition. The site featured a javascript image rotator showcasing cutouts of trucks with caps and accessories found at Cap Connection. Even though the design was simple, it stood out among local automotive accessory websites.

2011 Redesign

As technology improves, websites need to be updated to keep up with the competition. Even though the 2005 website for Cap Connection was dominating search engines and bringing in qualified leads, the design began to show its age. iNET upgraded the website's graphic design to further solidify Cap Connection’s place at the top of Google as the resource for truck accessories and service.

2017 Mobile Responsive Conversion and Facelift

In 2017, Cap Connection was once again redesigned. Mobile phones and tablets have steadily become more common among online visitors. The old site wasn’t friendly to mobile users and desperately needed an update. iNET performed a mobile responsive conversion and updated the design to bring it up to our increasingly strict standards. The site built in 2011 was still leaps and bounds above the competition, but getting an even better site that greatly improves user experience never hurts.

Now, all visitors to Cap Connection can find exactly what they’re looking for no matter what device they’re using. This new design will be sure to stand the test of time.

Search Engine Optimization

The backbone of Cap Connection’s ability to dominate Google is the tried-and-true search engine optimization strategies implemented by our SEO specialists. Everything from the carefully selected meta tags and anchor text to headlines and calls-to-action lets search engines know Cap Connection is THE resource for all things truck related – like bedliners, caps, tonneau, and other accessories.

Why Choose iNET for Web Design?

With other Waukesha web designers, Cap Connection would be in a template website platform, struggling to reach the tenth page of Google. Website templates insert huge blocks of junk code, slowing or blocking search engine spiders from reading what the website is about. iNET has completely custom coded websites to ensure everything is constructed correctly, and ensure Google knows your business is the best resource for real humans.

If you own a truck, be sure to stop in at Cap Connection to view their huge selection of truck caps and accessories. If you own a business, be sure to stop in at iNET’s Waukesha web development headquarters to get your business “recession-proofed” with a custom, creative genius inspired website solution bringing you new customers for years to come.

Contact the web design experts at iNET to get started and dominate the competition.
Creative Genius Marketing® -

Creative is an intangible. There aren’t many great creatives in radio. In branding there are less. In strategizing there are even less. Most companies have no BRAND. The products and services are amazing, the businesses are often brilliant. There is just nothing for consumers to grab and buckle themselves into. The web sites are also no influence in creating the brand, brand strategy, ad concept or ads.

iNET creative has dozens of mind traps and hooks. Duplicitous meanings and meanings left for the listener to decipher or wonder at. While these traps can get a listener stuck in a thought midstream over two, three, twenty exposures they force acceptance of the message and action. When they discover the hidden hooks listeners feel like insiders, part of the story and part of the brand.

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